BRUCE DICKINSON: 'I'm Lucky I Have A Strong And Powerful Voice'

May 28, 2024

In a new interview with Ouest-France, IRON MAIDEN's Bruce Dickinson spoke about the evolution of his singing voice since he became a professional vocalist more than four decades ago. He said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "I'm lucky I have a strong and powerful voice. I couldn't have done it 30 years ago because I was so busy in the race to see who could sing the highest, who could do this, who could say the words the fastest. 'Cause you're young and everything is a fight, battle, win, competition. And I'm not in competition with anything now except truth. What I want is authenticity of emotion. And that sounds boring, but, actually, if you put it in context with some like 'grrrr'-type metal, it's so powerful."

Regarding the connection he feels with the audience during his live concerts, Dickinson said: "The best thing in the world, the best feeling in the world, for me as a singer, is when you get a great sound for your voice and everything on stage and everything works. And you know that you're moving people with it. That's it — that's why you do it. That's the drug. Of course. The opposite is also true. It's the worst place to be when it doesn't work."

After playing two warm-up shows at the Whisky A Go Go in West Hollywood, California, Dickinson officially kicked off his first solo tour in more than 20 years on April 15 at The Observatory in Santa Ana, California.

Joining the IRON MAIDEN singer on the trek is his current backing band, featuring Dave Moreno (drums),Mistheria (keyboards) and Tanya O'Callaghan (bass),alongside the group's latest additions, Swedish guitarist, songwriter and multi-platinum-credited producer Philip Näslund and Swiss session and touring guitarist Chris Declercq (who played on Dickinson's "Rain On The Graves" single). Bruce's longtime guitarist and collaborator Roy "Z" Ramirez is not part of the touring lineup.

Prior to the April 12 Whisky A Go Go show, Bruce last performed with his solo band on in August 2002 at the legendary Wacken Open Air festival in Germany.

Dickinson's latest solo album, "The Mandrake Project", arrived on March 1 via BMG.

Bruce and Roy recorded "The Mandrake Project" largely at Los Angeles's Doom Room, with Roy doubling up as both guitarist and bassist. The recording lineup for "The Mandrake Project" was rounded out by Mistheria and Moreno, both of whom also featured on Bruce's previous solo studio album, "Tyranny Of Souls", in 2005.

Dickinson made his recording debut with IRON MAIDEN on the "Number Of The Beast" album in 1982. He quit the band in 1993 in order to pursue his solo career and was replaced by Blaze Bayley, who had previously been the lead singer of the metal band WOLFSBANE. After releasing two traditional metal albums with former MAIDEN guitarist Adrian Smith, Dickinson rejoined the band in 1999 along with Smith.

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